All users need the “Field Service Standard” user permission to access standard field service features.

You need special permission set licenses to view the dispatcher console, use the mobile app, or be included in scheduling optimization.

Who Are Field Service Users?

  • Administrator: Sets up field service features according to their unique business needs. Set up includes installing the Field Service managed package and Field Service mobile app.
  • Agent: Takes customer service calls and requests field service appointments via work orders, which list the skills and parts that are needed.
  • Dispatcher: Assigns and manages the service appointments. The dispatcher console included in the managed package helps dispatchers schedule, optimize, and dispatch service appointments from one screen.
  • Mobile Worker or Technician: Manages their service appointments. Their tasks include closing work orders, tracking the parts they used, and providing service reports.

FSL Features

Service TerritoriesRegions where field service work is performed
Operating HoursTimes when field service work can be performed for service territories, service resources, and customer accounts. Operating hours are made up of time slots: a time period within a day when field service work can be completed.
Service ResourcesMobile employees who can perform field service work
Service CrewsTeams of service resources that are assigned to service appointments as a unit.
SkillsSkills required to perform field service tasks
Time SheetsTools to track the time your field service employees are spending on tasks
Work TypesTemplates for common field service work, such as cable installations or furnace repairs
Work OrdersRequests for field service work
Service AppointmentsAppointments for field service work
Maintenance PlansPlans that help you track preventive maintenance work using auto-generated work orders
Product ItemsParts for services that can be requested, required, transferred, and consumed in field service work
Product RequestsRequests for a part or parts
Product TransfersTransfers of inventory between locations.
Return OrdersRecords of inventory returns or repairs.
Service Report TemplatesTemplates for customer-facing reports summarizing the status of service appointment and work orders

FSL has 4 license type

  • FSL Dispatcher
  • FSL Resource
  • FSL Agent
  • FSL Admin
  • FSL Community
  • FSL Dispatcher Community

Service Territory member object defines

FSL Roles

RoleOverviewLicense NameUser LicensePermission Set Licenses
AdminManage all FSL objects including the Field Service Admin app, VisualForce pages and logic servicesField Service StandardSalesforceFSL Admin License
FSL Admin Permissions
AgentAccess all global actions for scheduling resource and their related objects to create, book, and schedule Service AppointmentsField Service StandardSalesforceFSL Agent License
FSL Agent Permissions
DispatcherOptimize schedules and manages schedulable resources in one place DispatcherSalesforceDispatcher
Mobile WorkerAccess information to complete jobs right from the offline-first mobile appTechnicianSalesforceMobile Scheduling
Dispatching Mobile WorkerCombines the power of Service Cloud, Sales Cloud, Dispatcher, and Field TechnicianField Service Lightning PlusSalesforceMobile Scheduling Dispatcher
Third Party Mobile WorkerExtend the power of Field Service Lightning Technician to your contractorsContractorCustomer CommunityMobile Scheduling
Third Party Dispatcher

Third Party Mobile Worker with Sales
Includes functionality to supercharge contractors’ ability to cross-sell and upsell and Dispatcher capabilitiesContractor PlusPartner CommunityMobile Scheduling Dispatcher

Work Rules

  • Work Rule Type: Count Rule
    Use a Count work rule type to restrict appointment scheduling based on assignments, hours worked, or a custom value. It’s a great way to prevent overloading your workers or their vehicles.
  • Work Rule Type: Excluded Resources
    Sometimes, customers have a poor experience with a service resource and request not to work with them in the future. The Excluded Resources work rule type ensures that if a service resource is listed as an Excluded resource preference on an appointment’s work order, they won’t be assigned to it.
  • Work Rule Type: Extended Match
    Use the Extended Match work rule type to schedule service appointments using custom criteria. It uses a junction, or linking, object to match a field on the Service Appointment object to a related list on the Service Resource object.
  • Work Rule Type: Match Boolean
    The Match Boolean work rule type enforces scheduling preferences based on a checkbox (Boolean) field on service resources.
  • Work Rule Type: Match Fields
    The Match Fields work rule type matches a field on service appointments with a field on service resources. It’s a great way to enforce requirements based on custom fields.
  • Work Rule Type: Match Skills
    The Match Skills work rule type matches a service appointment’s parent record’s skill requirements with a service resource’s assigned skills. It can also be used to enforce skill level requirements.
  • Work Rule Type: Match Territory
    The Match Territory work rule type ensures that a service appointment is assigned only to service resources who are Primary or Relocation members of the appointment’s service territory.
  • Work Rule Type: Match Time Rule
    The Match Time Rule work rule type limits the scheduling time frame based on an appointment’s date and time properties. For example, the Due Date work rule ensures that the appointment’s scheduled end is before its due date.
  • Work Rule Type: Maximum Travel from Home
    The Maximum Travel from Home work rule type lets you set the maximum distance or travel time between a service resource’s home base and any appointment assigned to the resource. It’s a useful way to minimize mobile workers’ travel time.
  • Work Rule Type: Required Resources
    The Required Resources work rule type ensures that a service appointment’s parent record’s resource preferences of type Required are respected. If an account or work order lists a particular service resource as required, a Required Resources work rule ensures that the related service appointments are assigned to that resource.
  • Work Rule Type: Service Appointment Visiting Hours
    The Service Appointment Visiting Hours work rule type enforces your customers’ operating hours. For example, if an account’s operating hours are weekdays between 8:00 AM and noon, appointments for that customer are scheduled only within those hours.
  • Work Rule Type: Service Crew Resources Availability
    The Service Crew Resources Availability work rule type ensures that a service resource of type Crew is assigned to an appointment only if the crew complies with the appointment’s parent record’s minimum crew size.
  • Work Rule Type: Service Resource Availability
    The Service Resource Availability work rule type ensures that a service resource is available to perform a service appointment. You can schedule breaks automatically, account for travel time, or set up short breaks between service appointments. Every scheduling policy needs a work rule of this type, or resource absences aren’t respected during scheduling.
  • Work Rule Type: TimeSlot Designated Work
    Often, field service businesses reserve parts of the day for specific types of work. The TimeSlot Designated Work work rule type ensures that if a time slot is reserved for a specific type of work, only appointments of that type are scheduled in the time slot.
  • Work Rule Type: Working Territories
    Sometimes, service resources need to be available to take on work in more than one service territory. The Working Territories work rule type enforces primary and secondary service territory memberships.

 Optimize FSL scheduling via work rules, service objectives, and scheduling policies

Who Does What, Where, When, for Who, and with What

These are the three primary types of contractors.

  • Named Contractors
  • Occasional Contractor
  • Capacity-Based Contractor

Determining Territory Size

  • Up to 50 service resources per service territory
  • Up to 1,000 service appointments per day per service territory
  • Up to 20 qualified service resources per service appointment