
How to install a package from App-Exchange

If you want to install a package from Salesforce Appexchange you can follow the below steps Then you can navigate to the installed package and start using it. It’s important to note that some packages may require additional configuration steps after installation, so be sure to review the package documentation for any additional instructions.

What are deployment tools in Salesforce

There are several deployment tools available in Salesforce that can be used to move customizations and data between different environments, such as production, sandbox, and developer environments. Some of the most commonly used deployment tools in Salesforce are: Overall, these deployment tools provide a range of options for moving customizations between different Salesforce environments. Choose …

What is a Wrapper Class

In Salesforce, a wrapper class is a custom data type that combines multiple objects or data types into a single unit. It is often used to display data from multiple objects or data types in a single Visualforce page or Lightning component. For example, let’s say you want to display a list of accounts and …

What is validation rule in Salesforce

Are you looking to improve the quality of your data in Salesforce and ensure that it meets certain standards and requirements? Validation rules may be the solution you’re looking for. Validation rules in Salesforce allow administrators to specify conditions that must be met before a record can be saved or submitted. This helps to ensure …

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